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Uncovering the Truth: Why Tattoo Artists Refrain from Using Numbing Creams?

Uncovering the Truth: Why Tattoo Artists Refrain from Using Numbing Creams?

Tattoo artists avoid numbing cream as it can affect the quality of the tattoo. It also increases the risk of complications during the process.

Have you ever wondered why tattoo artists don't use numbing cream? Getting a tattoo can be a painful experience, and many people assume that a numbing cream would be the perfect solution. However, the reality is that most tattoo artists refuse to use numbing cream during the tattooing process. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this decision and shed some light on why numbing cream is not always the best option.

Firstly, it's important to understand that tattooing is an art form that requires skill, precision, and attention to detail. Tattoo artists are highly skilled professionals who take pride in their work. Using numbing cream can dull their senses and make it harder for them to do their job effectively. Additionally, numbing cream can cause the skin to swell, making it difficult to see the lines and details of the design. This can result in a less accurate and lower quality tattoo.

Another reason why tattoo artists don't use numbing cream is that it can have adverse effects on the healing process. Numbing cream works by blocking the pain signals from the nerves to the brain. However, this also means that the body's natural healing process is disrupted. The inflammation that occurs after getting a tattoo is a crucial part of the healing process, as it helps to protect the wound and prevent infection. By using numbing cream, the body's ability to heal itself is compromised, which can lead to complications and a longer healing time.

Finally, it's worth noting that many tattoo artists simply prefer not to use numbing cream because they believe that the pain is an essential part of the tattooing experience. For many people, getting a tattoo is a rite of passage, and the pain is something that they choose to endure as part of that process. Tattoo artists who value this tradition are unlikely to use numbing cream, as they believe that it detracts from the significance of getting a tattoo.

In conclusion, while numbing cream may seem like a quick and easy solution to the pain of getting a tattoo, it's clear that there are many reasons why tattoo artists choose not to use it. From the effect on the quality of the tattoo to the impact on the healing process, there are several valid reasons why numbing cream is not always the best option. So, if you're thinking about getting a tattoo, be prepared to endure a little bit of pain – after all, it's all part of the experience!

The Truth About Numbing Creams in Tattooing


Getting a tattoo can be painful, and many people wonder whether using numbing cream is a good idea. While numbing creams are available, many tattoo artists don't use them. In this article, we'll explore why tattoo artists avoid numbing cream and what you should know before getting a tattoo.

What is Numbing Cream?


Numbing cream is a topical anesthetic that can be applied to the skin before a tattoo. The cream works by blocking pain signals from the nerves to the brain. Numbing creams can contain different active ingredients, such as lidocaine or benzocaine. They are available over the counter or by prescription from a doctor.

Why Don't Tattoo Artists Use Numbing Cream?


While numbing creams may seem like a good idea to reduce the pain of getting a tattoo, many tattoo artists do not recommend or use them. There are several reasons for this:

1. Numbing Creams Can Affect the Tattooing Process


Numbing creams can make the skin feel numb and rubbery, which can make it more difficult for the tattoo artist to work. The artist needs to be able to feel the skin and how the needle is penetrating it to create a good tattoo. Numbing cream can also affect the way the ink is absorbed into the skin, leading to an uneven or patchy tattoo.

2. Numbing Creams Can Have Side Effects


Numbing creams can have side effects, such as allergic reactions, skin irritation, or infections. The creams can also cause swelling, which can make it difficult to see the tattoo design or for the artist to work on the skin. In some cases, the numbing cream can even make the pain worse by causing nerve damage or interfering with the body's natural pain response.

3. Pain is Part of the Tattooing Experience


For many people, the pain of getting a tattoo is part of the experience. It can be seen as a rite of passage or a way to mark an important moment in their lives. Tattoo artists often view the pain as a necessary part of the process and may feel that using numbing cream takes away from the artistry of tattooing.

4. Numbing Creams Can Mask Painful Areas


Tattoo artists need to be able to see the skin and how it reacts to the needle to create a good tattoo. If an area is too painful, the artist may need to take a break or work on another part of the design. Numbing cream can mask painful areas, making it difficult for the artist to know when to take a break or adjust their technique.

What Should You Know Before Getting a Tattoo?


If you're considering getting a tattoo, there are several things you should know:

1. Tattoos Can Be Painful

Getting a tattoo involves needles puncturing the skin repeatedly, so it's important to be prepared for some level of discomfort. While everyone's pain tolerance is different, most people find that getting a tattoo is at least somewhat painful.

2. Tattoo Placement Matters

The placement of your tattoo can affect how much it hurts. Areas with more nerve endings or thinner skin, such as the ribs or feet, may be more painful than areas with more flesh, such as the bicep or thigh. Talk to your tattoo artist about the best placement for your design.

3. Choose a Reputable Tattoo Artist

Choosing a reputable tattoo artist is key to getting a good tattoo and minimizing the pain. Look for an artist with experience and a portfolio of work that you like. Make sure they use sterile equipment and follow proper safety protocols.

4. Follow Aftercare Instructions

After getting a tattoo, it's important to follow your tattoo artist's aftercare instructions to prevent infection and promote healing. This may involve keeping the area clean, avoiding certain activities or clothing, and applying ointment or cream.

The Bottom Line


While numbing creams may seem like a good idea to reduce the pain of getting a tattoo, many tattoo artists do not recommend or use them. Numbing creams can affect the tattooing process, have side effects, mask painful areas, and take away from the artistry of tattooing. If you're considering getting a tattoo, be prepared for some level of discomfort and choose a reputable tattoo artist who can guide you through the process.

Why Tattoo Artists Don't Use Numbing Cream

Getting a tattoo can be a painful experience, and many people turn to numbing creams to ease the discomfort. However, tattoo artists typically do not use numbing cream during the tattooing process. Here are some reasons why:

It Affects the Quality of the Tattoo

When a numbing cream is applied to the skin, it can affect the artist's ability to gauge the amount of pressure they are applying. This can result in a tattoo that is not as crisp or detailed as the artist intended. In other words, the numbing cream can make it difficult for the artist to create the quality of work that they are capable of.

It Can Cause Adverse Reactions

Numbing creams can have side effects such as skin irritation, blisters, and burning sensations. This can lead to complications during the tattooing process and result in an unfinished or unsatisfactory tattoo. The last thing a tattoo artist wants is to create a piece of art that causes their client discomfort or pain.

It Increases the Risk of Infection

When a numbing cream is applied to the skin, it can create an open wound. This can increase the risk of infection, especially if the tattoo artist is not using sterile equipment. Tattoo artists take great care to prevent infections, and using numbing cream can compromise their efforts.

It Affects the Healing Process

Numbing cream can interfere with the natural healing process by reducing blood flow to the area and inhibiting the production of white blood cells that fight infection. This can lead to slower healing times and potentially result in scarring or other complications.

It May Cause Changes in Skin Texture

Numbing creams can affect the texture of the skin, making it difficult for the artist to ink smoothly. This can result in a tattoo that looks patchy or uneven. The artist wants to create a piece of art that is aesthetically pleasing and using numbing cream can interfere with that goal.

It Can Increase the Time it Takes to Complete a Tattoo

When a numbing cream is used, it can take longer for the artist to complete the tattoo. This is because they need to wait for the area to become numb before they can start working. For clients who are on a tight schedule or budget, this can be a concern.

It Can Affect the Placement of the Tattoo

If the skin is numb, the artist may have difficulty placing the tattoo in the exact location that was intended. This can lead to an unsatisfactory result for both the artist and the client.

It Can Affect the Sensation of the Tattoo

Many people choose to get tattoos because they enjoy the sensation of the needle. Using numbing cream removes this sensation, which can detract from the overall experience of getting a tattoo. For some people, the pain and sensation of getting a tattoo is part of the appeal.

It Can be Expensive

Numbing creams can be expensive, especially if multiple applications are needed during a long tattooing session. For clients who are on a budget, the cost of using numbing cream can be prohibitive.

It is Not Always Effective

Finally, numbing creams are not always effective in numbing the skin. This can leave the person getting the tattoo in pain, despite having used a numbing cream. This can lead to a frustrating experience for both the artist and the client.

In conclusion, while numbing cream may seem like a good option to ease the pain of getting a tattoo, tattoo artists generally do not use it because of the potential risks and negative effects on the quality of the tattoo. It is important to trust your artist and their abilities to create a beautiful piece of art that is worth a little bit of discomfort.

As a professional tattoo artist, one may wonder why we don't use numbing cream. While there are certainly some benefits to using numbing cream, there are also some drawbacks that must be considered.


  1. Numbing cream can reduce the discomfort that clients feel during the tattooing process, making it a more pleasant experience for them.
  2. By reducing the pain associated with tattoos, numbing cream may help clients stay still and calm during the procedure, which can make it easier for the artist to work and produce better results.
  3. Numbing cream can be particularly helpful for clients who have health conditions that make them more sensitive to pain, as well as those who are getting tattoos in sensitive areas.


  • Numbing cream can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some clients, which can lead to complications and delays in the tattooing process.
  • Using numbing cream can also make it harder for the artist to gauge how much pressure they are applying, which can lead to uneven lines and shading, and ultimately, a less attractive tattoo.
  • Numbing cream can also be expensive, which may deter clients from seeking out a tattoo artist who offers this service.

Ultimately, whether or not to use numbing cream is a personal choice for each tattoo artist. While it certainly has some benefits, it also has some drawbacks that must be carefully considered. As long as the artist is upfront with their clients about their policies and procedures, they can make informed decisions about what is best for their business and their clients.

As a blog visitor, you might have wondered why tattoo artists don't use numbing cream during the tattooing process. Many people assume that numbing cream is a standard practice, but the reality is quite different. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this decision and help you understand why tattoo artists prefer not to use numbing cream.

Firstly, it is essential to understand that numbing cream can interfere with the tattooing process. When a tattoo artist applies numbing cream to a client's skin, it can make the skin swell, which makes it difficult to create precise lines and details. This can result in an uneven or blurry tattoo, which is not what the client wants. Additionally, the numbing cream can also affect the color of the ink, leading to a faded or washed-out appearance.

Secondly, tattoo artists prefer not to use numbing cream because it can lead to complications during the healing process. Numbing cream works by blocking the pain receptors in the skin, but it can also prevent the body from sending important signals that indicate when the skin is damaged. As a result, clients who have used numbing cream during their tattooing process may not realize they have an infection until it becomes severe. This can lead to prolonged healing times, scarring, and other complications.

In conclusion, tattoo artists prefer not to use numbing cream during the tattooing process because it can interfere with the quality of the tattoo and lead to complications during the healing process. While getting a tattoo can be uncomfortable, it is a small price to pay for a permanent piece of art that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. If you are considering getting a tattoo, it is important to trust your tattoo artist and follow their advice on how to prepare for the process. By doing so, you can ensure that you get the best possible tattoo and enjoy it for years to come.

When it comes to getting a tattoo, many people wonder why tattoo artists don't use numbing cream. Below are some of the most common reasons:

  • Numbing cream can affect the quality of the tattoo: Numbing cream works by numbing the skin, which can make it more difficult for the artist to work and create a clean, precise tattoo.
  • Allergic reactions: Some people may be allergic to the ingredients in numbing creams, which could lead to an adverse reaction during or after the tattooing process.
  • Possible health risks: Numbing creams can potentially cause health risks such as nerve damage or skin irritation if not used properly.
  • Not necessary for everyone: While some people may have a lower pain tolerance and benefit from numbing cream, others may not require it and can handle the pain without any additional help.

Overall, while numbing cream may seem like a good idea to help alleviate some of the pain associated with getting a tattoo, there are several reasons why tattoo artists typically do not use it.